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Crooki Mule Deer
The crooki mule deer hunt is carried out in a desert type habitat, consistant mainly of mesquite, yuccas and prickly pear cactus. This hunt is usually by spot and stalk, horseback or on a high rack truck. We harvest 3 to 5 mature trophy Crooki Mule Deer per year with an average of 140 – 150 inches.
Unlike other Mule deer species, the Crooki Mule Deer stays out of montainous ranges, being found down in the valleys. Mature bucks are often found with big herds of does during the rut (4-8 does per buck), making them easier to spot. the average weight of a mature Crooki Mule Deer is 200 lbs average .
The hunt takes place at an altitude from 4,200 to 7,000 ft.
The season goes froYa vi m late November to mid January, being December the peak rut.
Come and join us for a Mexican trophy of a lifetime!